Friday, December 14, 2007

Baby, it's coooold outside!

Okay, I moved to Cottonwood AZ because it's warm. And granted, this past summer was really, really warm, kinda like hellish- days, weeks maybe, over 110 degrees. But today, it actually felt like winter here- I don't think it was above 45 degrees, with a bitter wind. I actually had to wear a coat and gloves... It reminded me of Colorado this time of year! Flagstaff has snow, lots of it, the ski resort opened this week, and it was 2 degrees yesterday morning at 8. Hard to believe it's only 50 miles away. Most of the time we get into the 60-70's during most of the winter, so this week is an arctic blast... at least for desert rats like me.

When we moved here in 1999, I had finally grown tired of winter in the Rockies. We moved to Colorado from Arizona in 1982, the same year that John Elway was drafted by the Broncos. I know that because that was the only thing on the news for 3 months after we moved there. Coloradans are crazy about their Broncos... Anyhow, we moved from Phoenix to Parachute, yes that's really a town. It was over a hundred degrees by June in Phoenix, and then all summer the Coloradans I knew were whining when the weather got 'hot', all of 85 degrees!

I laughed this week when Flagstaff cancelled school after 6 inches of snow overnight. In the 17 years we lived in Colorado, they NEVER CANCELLED SCHOOL! There were a few snow days, but no cancellations. I remember driving school bus, after a huge snowstorm, with snow still falling, pushing 4-6 inches of snow on a dirt road, but we had to keep going. They did start school later that day, but scoffed at the idea of cancelling it. I loved the snow and cold weather for years, I grew up in the mountains, it wasn't new to me, but the mountains there are so much greater than anything in Arizona. I miss the mountains, and I miss watching it snow, and the kids having snowball fights, coming in soaking wet and freezing, the winds howling down the canyon, wait, I guess I don't miss it all, but I love watching it snow! It makes it feel more like Christmas somehow.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Deck the Halls

Well, I'm in full Christmas mode. Usually I enjoy making gifts for family and friends, then thoughtfully buying gifts for family and a few friends. Then of course there's the Christmas letter, although mine often becomes a New Years letter, just can't get everything done at the same time. With the kids all grown up and moved away, I end up decorating the house and tree alone. David will bring the tree in, but doesn't care to decorate. I enjoy it, though. I still have the ornaments the kids made in grade school. That's been 15 years, about, but I love them and fix them when they break or the glue finally stops working. I figure that I'll give them to each child when they start having a big tree themselves. Right now Heather puts up a little tree, but I don't think Nic and Jared do. A few more years and they'll be ready.

This year is so different. I haven't really made any gifts, and don't feel good enough to do any baking. I like to make candy, banana and other fruit breads. No, I don't do fruitcakes. I never liked them, and figure other than doorstops they don't get used much. I may make fudge, but probably not other candies. Darn, I love that part!

Decorating- I don't know how much will happen. David will set up the tree, so I can decorate, but other than the Nativity set and stockings, who knows? Now the stockings, I made them a few years ago, nice big crocheted stockings. Then I made Grandma Farr one when she moved in with us.

As for gifts, thank goodness for the internet! I've been able to get everyone's gifts ordered, and sent to my siblings out of town. I'm trying to follow my own advice, and keep it simple, but we always spend more on the kids than we originally planned. At least we pay for everything, and while we use a credit card, we pay off the balance, so we're not paying for Christmas all year. I'm grateful we can have a nice Christmas, and we help others have a better one too.

Click picture below to see album!

Christmas 2008

Carthage Jail & Nauvoo Temple