Sunday, July 26, 2009


I've been very bad about writing here this summer. Numerous reasons, but a slowpoke none the less. The weather has been busy- thunder clouds every day in the p.m., but doesn't rain every day. It's enough to knock me out for hours, but not enough to put moisture on the ground. We had a good rain Thurs-Sat, in the afternoon. My garden loves it! I've been picking cucumbers, squash, peppers and a few tomatoes. The potatoes have done really well- I planted Yukon Golds and we've had potatoes regularly for the past month. The plants have died, so now I'm trying to get the energy to put something else in that row. Too hot out!

Well, the Haines Family reunion is next week, I have the books back, they look really good! I need to get packed and ready to leave on Thursday. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the relatives. I'm already starting to think about compiling a Balmes book, but I have to wait until we get the reunion, wedding and Mom Farr's memorial party over with. We are having a party to celebrate her life over Labor Day weekend.

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