Friday, July 6, 2007

Continuing Saga...

Call me a geek, or a kid, but I don't care, I'm looking forward to the Harry Potter book, and the movie of Order of the Phoenix. I went to the first movie several years ago, and was surprised at how good it was, so I read the book. J.K. writes well, and they are clean books, something hard to find any more. I love that good triumphs over evil, but in an interesting story. So next week will be a busy one for me, I hope, reading the book, then watching the movie on an older H.P book.
Speaking of next week, I had some interesting news today, and not really in a good way. I had a CT scan yesterday, for my abdominal problems- i.e. gut pain. Ran into a little trouble there... drank the lovely 'berry smoothie', which is actually barium in chalky milk. The 1st 32 ozs. weren't too bad, I drank that at 8:00 am. Got to the hospital, went to Radiology, where they so very kindly gave me another 'berry smoothie', which I obligingly choked down. Now, I couldn't eat or drink anything else, and I'm pretty hypoglycemic, so by the last few chalky gulps I was feeling a sugar buzz, and losing focus from the lack of food and water.
The Radiologist finally came to get me, shortly after 11. He was very friendly, and explained everything he was doing beforehand. Then he inserted a 'pic' line into my arm, and have me a shot of and IV dye, to light up my blood system. I made it through the CT scan, which only took a few minutes, then as he was pulling the table back through the system he said "how ya doin?" I said 'not good', and blacked out. Turns out I'm allergic to the dye, and it took them about an hour to get me back. They kept bugging me, all I wanted to do was slip into oblivion, but thank goodness they wouldn't let me. Finally they gave me some Benadryl, after they were sure Heather could pick me up so I didn't have to drive.
Cut to today, my Dr.s office called and said that the CT scan didn't find any problems in my guts, but I have blood in the pericardium around my heart. Now that's the last thing I expected to hear! So, next week I have an echocardigraph scheduled, along with 2 Dr.s appointments. I tell, ya, I hit 50 and just fell apart physically, now what's that about?????

1 comment:

Nisha said...

Oh my gosh! Feel better soon and keep us all posted.

p.s. yes, you are a J.K. Rowling dork.

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