Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I am just coming down from the weekend- we had all the kids home. Nic and Jared came up to help David tile our bedroom and watch the Superbowl, and Heather came to watch her brothers. They are a crack-up! They were doing the dishes Sunday, when Jared quoted a line from a movie, then Nic did the next line, and they were off and running. It's always like that with them- they play off of each other so smoothly and with perfect timing. We just sit and watch, there's no keeping up with them.

We also celebrated Heather finishing her Bachelor's degree. We were technically one day premature, since she actually finished on Monday, but we were all together so it was the right time to celebrate. She's been working and going to school full time for the past 2 1/2 years, plus she's now the president of the women's organization at her church, so she is so busy! Saturday she kind of panicked- "Mom, what am I going to do with all my free time???" I told her it's ok to relax and maybe even have a social life again. Go figure!

The bedroom looks great! They finished the tile just as it was starting to rain Saturday evening. Sunday was so rainy and cold, but we sure need the moisture. Since the Broncos weren't in the Superbowl, I didn't really care who won, but it was a great game. I only watched parts of it, because my Mom showed up just before the game started. She is driving to Utah in her motor home. Not the best time of year, but my niece is having a missionary farewell next Sunday, so Mom is going up there. She usually takes 3-4 days to drive up, taking lots of time. I heard today that last Sunday Salt Lake was shut down by the snow, but the weather is supposed to be fine this week. I can't go, can't travel that far yet, but Heather is going up, so she can represent our family. My family is all about supporting each other- my brother Hap and his family is going, as are Debbie and most of her kids. I'm so proud to be part of this family! Hopefully by summer I can do a few more family get-togethers.

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