Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wedding and a birthday

Blahh! I'm sick as a dog today, and yesterday too, for that matter. Some kind of stomach crud is going around, and of course it came to visit me.

We had a good weekend, David and I drove to Phoenix and met Jared for a few minutes. He flew in for his old roommates' wedding, and was a groomsman, so he wasn't able to get away very long on Saturday, since they were finishing up all the last minute details before the wedding at 5. Anyhow, he looks great, and was very happy to announce he's found a job. It is in insurance, customer service, and only a few minutes away from his house, so no long commute. Yea! After we saw Jared, we drove to Stanfield to spend the day with my Mom. It was her birthday, and we got her a DVD player, and planned to install it, but it outsmarted us. We needed one of the kids there! She needs to have the Direct TV tech come out anyhow, so she'll have him set up the DVD player too.

My sister Debbie made dinner for all of us, to celebrate Mom's birthday. She rarely cooks, so it was really special. She has one of the rare husbands that likes to cook, and is retired, so he cooks most of the time. I wish someone else would cook around here sometimes, I get tired of doing all the cooking. See, I told you I'm sick, and grouchy too. Anyhow, Mom's birthday turned out very nice, I'm glad we could be there.

We had the puppies in the house last night, because it's been so cold. Cara doesn't stay with them much any more, just long enough to feed 'em. They are in a little fenced enclosure, with old blankets to lay on. We felt sorry for the little boogers, they were outside shivering, all piled on top of each other trying to stay warm, so we put them in the laundry room overnight. What a mess! They pooped all over the place, past the newspapers we put down. David and Nic had to clean it all up this morning before they left for work. Needless to say, the pups are back outside, and we'll figure out a box for them tonight-outside!

1 comment:

Jana said...

bummer....I'm sorry you're sick! We all had that darn flu about a week ago. NOT fun. Hope you feel better soon. It only lasted about a day, but didn't feel well the entire week. :(

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Carthage Jail & Nauvoo Temple