Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Such a Slacker!!

Boy, I've been a bit of a slacker lately, at least in writing the blog. I went to Mom's for a week, took her to the doctor to get her thyroid meds back in sync and just visit a little. She's feeling a little better, but still had a bit of the cough she's had for a couple months. It was getting hot in Maricopa, and the plan was for her to go to St Johns for the summer. I was hoping she'd wait for Debbie to come down on Wednesday, but the heat was motivation to leave earlier, so by the time I left on Saturday she thought she'd leave Monday. Then, on Sunday morning, she got stung by a scorpion, in bed! Several times, 2-3 times on the index finger she was using to flick away whatever was crawling, and twice more on the shoulder. Talk about freaky! She's OK, but was in a lot of pain for several days, with plenty of nausea to make things worse. Hap checked on her Sunday evening, and Debbie and Kim left Monday evening to get her. They drove the motorhome up to St John's for her, so now she's out of the heat. She's doing fine now, thank heavens.

Last week the weather changed, and I couldn't move for most of it. Between the bucking barometer and being tired from the trip- I was flat on my back for days. Oh well, like Annie says- Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow!

Jared's been working for David, and adjusting to the heat. He seems to enjoy the work and spending time with Nic and David. Heather is coming into town the end of June, can't wait to have the family together for a while!

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