Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monsoon madness

The old adage "careful what you wish for" comes into play today. The rain clouds crawled down Mingus mountain today, pushing inexorably toward us. Behind them was a solid black sheet, the mountains were invisible behind the mayhem heading our way. Suddenly the winds burst upon the yard; trash cans blew apart, spewing their recycling contents across the driveway. The rain pushed hard from the south, hitting the windows in our bedroom with such force that it was raining inside! The windows are old- from the 1970's, but still, the rain blew in from the top of the windows, as well as the sides and the middle, where the two windows meet.

As I looked out the onto the back porch, there was nearly a solid sheet of water blowing wildly; things were blowing up into the air, but also the rain was pushing into the porch under the eaves as if there was no roof at all. So- our prayers have been answered, we are receiving lots of rain from the summer monsoons. It's not surprising that some of them come with great force and little regard for my comfy home and yard. At least the rains are coming, and with any luck this terrible drought is finally easing!

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