Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Great Author

I think I've found a new favorite author. I was reading Mother Earth News today, and there is an article about Terry Tempest Williams. I have to include a quote of her writing-

"The heart is the house of empathy whose door opens when we receive the pain of others. This is where bravery lives, where we find our mettle to give and receive, to love and be loved, to stand in the center of uncertainty with strength, not fear, understanding this is all there is. The heart is the path to wisdom because it dares to be vulnerable in the presence of power. Our power lies in our love of our homelands."

That left me speechless, which is tough to do... This quote was from her book, The Open Space of Democracy. I have to find it and read more. The thing I'm most impressed with is that she is a nature writer, is currently the Annie Clark Tanner Scholar in Environmental Humanities at the University of Utah. Her writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Orion Magazine, and numerous anthologies worldwide as a crucial voice for ecological consciousness and social change. What's more, she is also an active member of the LDS church, as am I. How refreshing! I want to be this type of person, to live life fully, with commitment, and make a difference in the world.

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