Friday, April 25, 2008

American Stonehenge

Wednesday we went to America's Stonehenge, which is about 20 miles from Manchester in Salem NH. It was really cool! It is about a 20 acre site that is on top of a hill, covered with trees. Archeologists have decided the stone buildings there were built about 4000 years ago, but have been used off and on since then, right up to the colonial period when a family settled there and built a house, but used the existing structures for storage. Thank goodness they didn't destroy the main buildings!

The whole area is surrounded by rock walls, which not only surround the site but also interesect, like rock walls between rectangular fields. The stone used is granite, with huge stone slabs for roofs on several of the structures. I'll post some pictures tomorrow, I don't have my camera with me. We hiked all around the place for a couple hours, but it's easy walking, the hill isn't very steep, so I could even walk it pretty easily. The same family has owned the property for many years, and have done a good job preserving the site, while they live next to it. They have alpacas there also, I wanted to take one home!

Mom made it to Manchester today, and now we've taken her motorhome to another mechanic to check her brakes; the transmission mechanic fixed a leaking brake line and told her she needed them checked, but he didn't handle brakes. So, another few days at the shop, it looks like. We took it to a truck/bus/rv shop in Weare, NH, which is about 20 miles north west of Manchester. They could take it today, and hopefully fix it on Monday, the other places I called couldn't even look at it until Thursday, and I want to be on the road again by then.

For some reason, Mom doesn't want to walk up and down the 3 stories to the kids apartment, so we got a hotel for the weekend, which allows me to have internet. I made it up and down those stairs several times a day for the past 5 days, and boy, I'm glad to have a bed and an elevator! Heather signed up for internet today, but we haven't had a good connection for the past several days at their apartment, so I'm taking advantage of the good connection here.

Tomorrow we are driving to Center Harbor, NH, where Patternworks has a yarn shop. I've received their catalog for years, and when I realized they were 60 miles away, well, I have to go to the yarn store, and who knows? I may buy some yarn, cuz I can never have too much! I'm working on a summer sweater now, a short sleeve one made with a ribbon-type yarn, I just about have the back done now.


A said...

So glad to hear Madge made it to NH. Nice to read what's up!!!

Have a great time.

Jana said...

Hey there,

It sounds like you guy's are having quite the adventure. You'll never forget this trip I'm sure. :) I'm glad you're all safe. Enjoy the rest of your trip and thanks for all of the updates.


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Christmas 2008

Carthage Jail & Nauvoo Temple