Saturday, September 29, 2007

Football season

We're watching football, David has it on most of the weekend from August-January. He nearly has withdrawals by July every year, it's definitely his favorite sport. I like to watch the Denver Broncos play, other than that it's mostly background noise to me. But I love my husband, and he loves football, so there it is. When we were in college, I would watch football with him and his buddies sometimes, making snide comments about the games. I thought I was funny, until they banned me from the TV room! I decided they all took the game way too seriously, but I was still uninvited. At least I've learned to curb my tongue since then, brings more peace to the household of football fans. Nic and Jared grew up watching football with David, and they still enjoy it a lot, so when they're here it's football fever all weekend. I'd much rather have football on than the fights they also like to watch- some kind of full contact, no holds barred, ninja type fighting, not just WWW wrestling fake stuff. Too much blood for me. Course, they don't care for my animal planet and HGTV stuff either, that's why we have 2 TV's, I guess.

So I've been thinking about my future- am I ever going to work again? I had a carreer, very stressful, but one I enjoyed, and it's been nearly 3 years since I had to quit working. I was determined to get my health back to the point I could work again, now I think that is an unrealistic goal. I've been a mover and shaker in the past, this is really hard to sit on the sidelines and watch. Still, I love being home full time, and having time to spend with my husband and kids. I visit my mother-in-law regularly, too- she really needs visits from the family. I believe that I'm right where I'm supposed to be, but a part of me really misses the action. I hope I can get back to at least volunteering again soon- I've worked in the Family History Center for the past 15 years, and I really miss the comeraderie and research I had there. I've been told to give the healing process 6 months minimum, but I'm already chafing at the bit to start doing something! Patience has never been a strong point for me, now it's really being tested to the max. Whine, whine, whine, I'm so lucky to be alive right now, I cannot complain about anything!

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