Saturday, September 1, 2007


I was on Craig's list philosophy forum, and there was a question about how to redesign society. Here's my thoughts, based on years of research as a probation officer and student of human behavior. The best functioning societies, although not always the most financially successful, share some common elements. First of all the revere their elderly, and treat them with utmost respect. They also value family, and teaching their children the values of their culture. Honor and integrety are paramount, followed typically by a willingness to work for what they have, not just expect someone else to take care of their basic needs. Our country started out with these elements, but somewhere along the way we have lost most of them.

How do we 'redesign society'? How do we return to a country that has fewer people in prison and on welfare, and more productive, honest members of the community? I believe it has to start at our own level, within our own lives and hearts. How each of us lives, and the influence we spread to our families, our communities and our country. Are we willing to live with more integrity, honesty, morality? Are we willing to care for our own, whether they are aged or infant, and even sacrifice some of our own desires and dreams in order to do so?

We have become a selfish and greedy society, fascinated by the rich and famous, and many people are willing to neglect the most important people in their lives in order to live closer to those materialistic role models.

So we each have a choice, every day. I challenge each of us to live stronger, more moral lives, with great integrity. Let's put our family first, without sacrificing our own sense of self worth. That's tricky, I struggle with it still, but well worth the effort. Let us set an example, teach integrity at every opportunity. One of my favorite books was 'Developing Capable Young People', about teaching children to be responsible, capable adults. I found I used it with my clients- most of them were teenagers mentally, just in adult bodies I can only hope that some of them learned to live more responsibly, with better coping skills and more willingness to take responsibility for their own actions. And that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it...

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